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Um Empurrãozinho da APUS

Recomendações através da Plataforma APUS.

Adquira 1.000.000 de impressões de usuários globais de graça.

Obtenha recomendações através do fan page da APUS do Facebook.

Obtenha um relatório global de uso dos usuários.

Tenha acesso a um relatório de análise de comportamento dos usuários globais.

APUS Seleção Especial para o App

Adquira 20.000.000 de impressões de usuários globais de graça.

Orientação sobre a Política do Google Play. Um jeito fácil de entender os regulamentos do Google Play.

Orientação para o projeto, lançamento e a operação do app - como acelerar a globalização do app.

Uma generosa exposição pelos principais meios de comunicação no mercado alvo, para que mais pessoas conheçam o seu aplicativo.

Compartilhamento de recursos com o parceiro de acordo com mercado alvo, maneira fácil de obter a localização e diversificação.

APUS Developer Support Agreement

This Agreement is an effective agreement made by and between APUS Group (hereinafter "APUS") and developers.
APUS will provide services to developers under this Agreement (hereinafter "Project").
Developers will be considered as agree and accept all the terms of this Agreement when clicking the OK button to participate this project.

APUS Rights and Obligations
APUS have the rights to modify all provisions of this Agreement and decide whether to cancel developers’ qualifications in its sole discretion.
APUS will provide traffic to selected apps which shall be identified by APUS.
For those developers with selected apps, APUS will provide a professional analysis report and send it via e-mail.

Developer Rights and Obligations
Developers shall comply with all terms of this Agreement and accept all decisions made by APUS in its rational discretion.
Developers shall guarantee all apps submitted by them are original, meet all Google Play Policy, and do not infringe any third party’s legitimate rights and interests, Including but not limited to the third party’ s patents, copyrights or trademarks.
If those apps submitted by developers are identified as selected apps, developers have the rights to obtain traffic provided by APUS.

Term of the Agreement
The term of his Agreement shall be one year since the developers click the OK button to participate Developer Project.

Developers agree to indemnify APUS from and against any expenses(including but not limited to damages, attorney fees and litigation fees) which are in any way connected with any claim or demand arising out of any action inconsistent with this Agreement or any infringement to others’ rights and interests made by developers, and suffer all legal liabilities resulted from it.
The form of legal liability that developers suffer includes but not limited to: compensation for those who are compromised and equal compensation for APUS who suffer the administrative penalties or responsibility for infringement previously.

Dispute Settlement and Governing Laws
Any dispute, claim or controversy arising from the interpretation or implementation of this Agreement shall be subject to friendly consultation in the principle of mutual benefit. Any dispute arising from or relating to this Agreement shall be submitted to arbitration in the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC), and the place of arbitration shall be in Beijing. Within the valid period for the arbitration, such arbitration tribunal shall subject to the arbitration rules of the CIETAC in effect at the time of the arbitration. The award of the arbitration tribunal shall be final and binding upon the two parties.

Miscellaneous Clause
Any provision hereof determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal, or otherwise unenforceable, partly or wholly, in any reason, shall be deemed to have been deleted herefrom, while the remainder hereof shall remain in force and effect according to its terms.
APUS Group reserves the right of final explanations to the terms of this Agreement.

 Acknowledge you have read and agree the agreement

Registration Information

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Thank you for joining APUS "Project 42"

We'll check your application and get in touch with you as soon as possible

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