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APUS Group Will Attend Global Mobile Internet Conference(GMIC) Bangalore 2015

2015-09-03 APUS

BEIJING, Sept. 3 – China’s APUS Group, a Beijing-based mobile phone user system company, announced that it will focus its efforts on tapping the Indian market, where the mobile Internet industry is growing at one of the fastest rates in the world.

APUS founder and CEO, Li Tao, will unveil the company’s plan to enter India in a keynote speech during the Global Mobile Internet Conference (GMIC) next week in the country’s tech hub, Bangalore.

Mr. Li said his company will customize mobile Internet services for Indian smartphone users, make investments there and seek local partners, but details of his company’s plan are not yet made public.

Founded in June 2014, APUS Group has quickly amassed more than 200 million users around the world with its system of utility apps, the APUS User System, which aims to improve the performance and interface of Android smartphones.

The announcement means that the IT startup, a “unicorn” company recognized by the Wall Street Journal, is shifting its focus from Southeast Asian countries to India, where APUS apps are already used on 25 million Android phones.

India has 1.28 billion people with a GDP of around $2 trillion. Although its GDP is just one fifth of China’s, the Indian economy is growing at a faster pace.

“As an emerging country, India’s market potential is great,” said Li, adding that only 10 percent of Indian people use smartphones, but that number is increasing rapidly, just like the situation in China three to five years ago.

According to Li, there are 240 million mobile Internet uses in India, the third largest globally. This number is predicted to rise to 700 million in five years, with 70 percent of these as Android users.

However, India’s app market is dominated by foreign companies, and there are few homegrown apps available.

“On the one hand, APUS can help Indian smartphones work more smoothly and faster. On other hand, APUS can serve as a platform for India’s 300,000 app developers to share new, innovative ideas,” said Li.

The two-day GMIC, themed “Mobile Everything, Connecting Innovation”, will open on September 9. More than 3,500 market leaders and insiders will discuss the opportunities and challenges of India’s mobile Internet business.

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